Thomas Fuller Quotes
Most popular Thomas Fuller Quotes

Truth fears no trial.

From saving comes having.

Eaten bread is forgotten.

Error is always in Haste.

Debt is the worst poverty.

All doors open to courtesy.

Labor overcometh all things.

Give as thou wouldest receive.

Care and diligence bring luck.

A man surprised is half beaten.

Soft words make hard arguments.

The rich never want for kindred.

He who travels much, knows much.

A man is rich that is satisfied.

Nothing sharpens sight like envy.

Time and words can't be recalled.

The more laws the more offenders.

Willful waste brings woeful want.

Good words cost no more than bad.

A good example is the best sermon.

Necessity dispenseth with decorum.

Manners and Money make a Gentleman.

A book that is shut is but a block.

Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.

Associate with men of good judgment.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

A man of courage never wants weapons.

From fame to infamy is a beaten road.

The last drop makes the cup run over.

Wisdom rises upon the ruins of folly.

A good conscience is the best divinity

A good horse should be seldom spurred.

Anger is one of the sinews of the soul.

Great and good are seldom the same man.

Praises from an enemy imply real merit.

Self-preservation is nature's first law.

Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.

Cheat me in the price but not the goods.

Fish and guests smell at three days old.

Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.

Sickness is felt, but health not at all.

What a day may bring a day may take away.

Drown not thyself to save a drowning man.

Sacrifice not thy heart upon every altar.

Good is not good when better is expected.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

We have all forgot more than we remember.

A good friend is my nearest relationship.

Silence is wisdom, when speaking is folly.

A wise man turns chance into good fortune.

Not possession but use is the only riches.

An old dog can't alter his way of barking.

Law cannot persuade when it cannot punish.

One that sips of many arts drinks of none.

Charity begins, but doth not end, at home.

Nothing costs so much as what is given us.

Old custom without truth is but old error.

A man who promises too much means nothing.

Law cannot persuade where it cannot punish.

Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune.

Be silent or speak something worth hearing.

Friendships multiply joys and divide grief.

The greater the man, the greater the crime.

Honey is the best bait to fish for man with.

Reputation is commonly measur'd by the Acre.

Riches serve a wise man, but command a fool.

Seeing is believing, but feelings the truth.

Learning makes a man fit company for himself.

Few there are that will endure a true friend.

Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

Envy shooteth at others and woundeth herself.

Every age confutes old errors and begets new.

'Tis skill, not strength, that governs a ship.

Virtue's paths are first rugged, then pleasant.

An evil conscience breaks many a men's neck. .

A guilty conscience never thinketh itself safe.

Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

Much would have more, but often meets with less.

A man's best fortune, or his worst, is his wife.

Men of business must not break their word twice.

If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.

Vice often rides triumphant in virtue's chariot.

If pains be a pleasure to you profit will follow.

Help me to money and I'll help myself to friends.

Fame sometimes hath created something of nothing.

Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.

A proverb is much matter decocted into few words.

He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.

It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf.

At the gate which suspicion enters, love goes out.

Vice would be frightful if it did not wear a mask.

Be a friend to thyself, and others will be so too.

Better break your word than do worse by keeping it.

He is not fit for riches who is afraid to use them.

Serving one's own passions is the greatest slavery.

He that fears not the future may enjoy the present.

One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.

One who returns a good for evil obtains the victory.

Even doubtful accusations leave a stain behind them.

A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present.

He is happy that knoweth not himself to be otherwise.

No man is the worse for knowing the worst of himself.

Craft must have clothes, but truth loves to go naked.

A day to come shows longer than a year's that's gone.

It is more difficult to praise rightly than to blame.

A man may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.

Never forget what a man says to you while he is angry.

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee.

A man is not fit for riches who is afraid to use them.

Choose such pleasures as recreate much and cost little.

A wise man may look ridiculous in the company of fools.

Don't let your will roar when your power only whispers.

One who does not fear the future may enjoy the present.

There is more pleasure in loving than in being beloved.

'Tis in vain to speak reason where it will not be heard.

They are my friend who speaks well of me behind my back.

That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember.

Hope is the only tie which keeps the heart from breaking.

Rich men feel misfortunes that fly over poor men's heads.

It is a worthier thing to deserve honor than to possess it.

Boldness in business is the first, second, and third thing.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools.

Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us.

Let me gain by you, and no matter whether you love me or not.

Distrust is the mother of safety, but must keep out of sight.

Religion is the best Armor in the World, but the worst Cloak.

Men do not believe that do not live according to their belief.

Prosperity has damned more Souls than all the Devils together.

One that would know what shall be must consider what hath been.

A man that will not be merciful to his beast is a beast himself.

There is not a wise man that cannot play the fool upon occasion.

'Tis not knowing much, but what is useful, that makes a man wise.

Light, God's eldest daughter, is a principal beauty in a building.

Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.

Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune.

If we are bound to forgive an enemy, we are not bound to trust him.

The harvest and vintage come not every day, therefore be provident.

To make a trade of laughing at a fool, is the highway to become one.

We shall never have friends, if we expect to find them without fault.

That is the bitterness of a gift, that it deprives us of our liberty.

Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom.

He lives long that lives well, and time misspent is not lived, but lost.

That is but a slippery Happiness which Fortune can give and can take away.

When thy hand hath done a good act, ask thy heart whether it was well done.

A man that resolves to deal with none but honest men must leave off dealing.

Jesting is not unlawful if it trespasseth not in quantity, quality, or reason.

Contentment consisteth not in heaping more fuel, but in taking away some fire.

If thou wouldst keep money, save money; If thou wouldst reap money, sow money.

Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl-chain of all virtues.

He is a good time-server that finds out the fittest opportunity of every action.

Wit should be used as a shield for defense rather than as a sword to wound others.

A man's purse will never be bare, if he knows when to buy, to spend, and to spare.

Purchase not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such will cease to love.

It is best to live as friends with those in time with whom we would be to all eternity.

Riches are like muck, which stink in a heap, but spread abroad, make the earth fruitful.

He that has no fools, knaves nor beggars in his family was begot by a flash of lightning.

He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.

That is the best charity which so relieves another man's poverty it still continues his industry.

If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself. If you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you.

When a judge puts on his robes, he puts off his relations to any, and, like Melchisedech, becomes without pedigree.

Ethics make one's soul mannerly and wise, but logic is the armory of reason, furnished with all offensive and defensive weapons.
Tis skill, not strength, that governs a ship.