Guests Quotes
Most popular guests quotes

We must not accept hospitality without making some return.
Visitors should behave in such a way that the host and hostess feel at home.

The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.
The guest is always right - even if we have to throw him out.

I will gladly lecture for fifty dollars, but I'll not be a guest for less than a hundred.

Fish and visitors smell in three days.

Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.

To be attentive to our guests is not only true kindness, but true politeness.

After three days men grow weary of a wench, a guest, and rainy weather.

Fish and guests smell at three days old.

If it were not for guests all houses would be graves.
A guest should be permitted to graze, as it were, in the pastures of his host's kindness, left even to his own devices, like a rational being, and handsomely neglected.
House guests (I don't care who they are, how much I like them, or how long it's been since I last saw them) are pests, much like roaches and mice. But there are differences. You can trap roaches and mice. And they don't want you to drive them to Disneyland.

Fish and guests in three days are stale.

No guest is so welcome in a friend's house that he will not become a nuisance after three days.

Hostesses regarded her philosophically as a form of social measles which everyone had to have once.