Golden Rules Quotes
Most popular golden rules quotes

We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends to behave to us.

The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.
Undo others before they undo you.

I'll be damned if I want most folk out there to do unto me what they do unto themselves.

Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.

Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.
Do unto others better than you can ever expect that they will do unto you.

Don't fall for that superstitious nonsense about treating people the way you would like to be treated. It is a transparently narcissistic approach, and may be the sign of a weak mind.

Give unto others what we would have others give unto us.

So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.

What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

The maxim "to do unto others as you would like them to do unto you" can be interpreted as meaning "be fair in your exchange with others." But actually, it was formulated originally as a more popular version of the Biblical "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

Give as thou wouldest receive.

What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary.
I do to others what they do to me, only worse.
Explaining the Ten Commandments to our little schoolchildren may cause their little minds to implode. It might be simpler to tack up on their walls, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and let it go at that.

Do unto others as though you were the others.
Do Unto Others as Others Would Have You Do Unto Them.

In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utility. To do as you would be done by, and to love your neighbor as yourself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality.
There are far too many commandments and you really only need one: Do not hurt anybody.

Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.

Do as you would be done by is the surest method that I know of pleasing.

The need to treat ourselves as well as we treat others. It's women's version of the Golden Rule.

There are only three major ethical modes of conduct. 1. The Golden Rule: doing unto others as we would want them to do unto us. 2. The Rule of Respect: doing unto others as they want us to do unto them. 3. The Rule of Paternalism: doing unto others as we, in our superior wisdom, know what ought to be done unto them in their own best interests.
"Bus'nis is bus'nis" ain't part of the golden rule, I allow, but the way in gen'ally runs, fur's I've found out, is, "Do unto the other feller the way he'd like to do unto you, an' do it fust."