Taste Quotes
Most popular taste quotes

Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness.

Exuberance is better than taste.
One man's meat is another man's poison.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
Bad taste is, specifically, gladioli, cut-glass flower bowls, two-tone motor cars, and doilies to hide telephones. Good taste is, frankly, what I think is good taste.
To me, bad taste is what entertainment is all about.

One man's fish is another man's poisson.

Beauty is the sole ambition, the exclusive goal of Taste.

It is a wretched taste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.

Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.

What is the voice of song, when the world lacks the ear of taste?
Every one carries his own inch-rule of taste, and amuses himself by applying it, triumphantly, whenever he travels.

The disturbing thing about matters of taste is that they are not communicable.

It is good taste, and good taste alone, that possesses the power to sterilize and is always the first handicap to any creative functioning.
Taste is the feminine of genius.
You can't get high aesthetic tastes, Like trousers, ready-made.

Taste is nothing but an enlarged capacity for receiving pleasure from works of imagination.

Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.

To patronize the faculty of taste is to patronize oneself. For taste governs every free—as opposed to rote—human response. Nothing is more decisive.

A little bad taste is like a nice splash of paprika.

Taste is the common sense of genius.
Intelligence is really a kind of taste: taste in ideas.

I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.