Song Quotes

Most popular songs quotes

Every fragment of song holds a mirror to a past moment for someone.


He who sings frightens away his ills. - Cervantes quote.
He who sings frightens away his ills.


God respects me when I work, but he loves me when I sing. - Rabindranath Tagore quote.
God respects me when I work, but he loves me when I sing.


If I may venture my own definition of a folk song, I should call it "an individual flowering on a common stem."


He who loves not wine, women and song remains a fool his whole life long. - Martin Luther quote.
He who loves not wine, women and song remains a fool his whole life long.

Fools wine women

The popular song is America's greatest ambassador.

music America

A song without music is a lot like H2 without the O.


Song is the pen of the soul.
You can cage the singer, but not the song.


Songs are the pulse of a nation's heart.  A fever chart of its health.
What is the voice of song, when the world lacks the ear of taste? - Nathaniel Hawthorne quote.
What is the voice of song, when the world lacks the ear of taste?


The grandeur of man lies in song, not in thought. - François Mauriac quote.
The grandeur of man lies in song, not in thought.
Music-hall songs provide the dull with wit, just as proverbs provide them with wisdom. - W. Somerset Maugham quote.
Music-hall songs provide the dull with wit, just as proverbs provide them with wisdom.
I care not who writes the laws of a country so long as I may listen to its songs. - George Jean Nathan quote.
I care not who writes the laws of a country so long as I may listen to its songs.
Whenever new ideas emerge, songs soon follow, and before long the songs are leading. - Holly Near quote.
Whenever new ideas emerge, songs soon follow, and before long the songs are leading.
Holly Near Fire in the Rain…Singer in the Storm
Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung. - Voltaire quote.
Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung.