Perseverance Quotes

Most popular perseverance quotes

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies in my tenacity. - Louis Pasteur quote.
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies in my tenacity.
Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds. - Malcolm Gladwell quote.
Success is a function of persistence and doggedness and the willingness to work hard for twenty-two minutes to make sense of something that most people would give up on after thirty seconds.

success hard work how to succeed

Perseverance opens up treasures which bring perennial joy. - Mahatma Gandhi quote.
Perseverance opens up treasures which bring perennial joy.
Perseverance and audacity generally win.
Even in social life, it is persistency which attracts confidence more than talents and accomplishments.
Austere perseverance, harsh and continuous, may be employed by the least of us and rarely fails of its purpose, for its silent power grows irreversibly greater with time. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote.
Austere perseverance, harsh and continuous, may be employed by the least of us and rarely fails of its purpose, for its silent power grows irreversibly greater with time.
He conquers who endures.
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the man who endures that the final victory comes. - Gautama Buddha quote.
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the man who endures that the final victory comes.
Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way. - Abraham Lincoln quote.
Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way.

motivational drive

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-it-iveness; third, common sense. - Thomas Edison quote.
The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-it-iveness; third, common sense.

success common sense hard work how to succeed

Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination.


Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
— Japanese proverb

Japanese proverbs motivational failure proverbs

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. - Samuel Johnson quote.
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but in the ability to start over. - F. Scott Fitzgerald quote.
Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but in the ability to start over.


By perseverance the snail reached the ark. - Charles Spurgeon quote.
By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins— not through strength but by perseverance.
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight—it's the size of the fight in the dog. - Dwight D. Eisenhower quote.
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight—it's the size of the fight in the dog.

motivational attitude iconic

A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it. - Alistair Cooke quote.
A professional is someone who can do his best work when he doesn't feel like it.


The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
— Chinese proverb

inspirational Chinese proverbs proverbs

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

adversity motivational obstacles

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.
Lord, give me the determination and tenacity of a weed.
When a man's willing and eager, the gods join in. - Aeschylus quote.
When a man's willing and eager, the gods join in.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then give up. There's no use in being a damn fool about it. - W. C. Fields quote.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then give up. There's no use in being a damn fool about it.

funny failure

The human capacity to fight back will always astonish doctors and philosophers. It seems, indeed, that there are no circumstances so bad and no obstacles so big that man cannot conquer them.


You're never a loser until you quit trying.


The problem with the Internet startup craze isn't that too many people are starting companies; it's that too many people aren't sticking with it. That's somewhat understandable, because there are many moments that are filled with despair and agony, when you have to fire people and cancel things and deal with- very difficult situations. That's when you find out who you are and what your values are. So when these people sell out, even though they get fabulously rich, they're gypping themselves out of one of the potentially most rewarding experiences of their unfolding lives. Without it, they may never know their values or how to keep their newfound wealth in perspective. - Steve Jobs quote.
The problem with the Internet startup craze isn't that too many people are starting companies; it's that too many people aren't sticking with it. That's somewhat understandable, because there are many moments that are filled with despair and agony, when you have to fire people and cancel things and deal with- very difficult situations. That's when you find out who you are and what your values are. So when these people sell out, even though they get fabulously rich, they're gypping themselves out of one of the potentially most rewarding experiences of their unfolding lives. Without it, they may never know their values or how to keep their newfound wealth in perspective.


I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. Unless you have a lot of passion about this, you're not going to survive. You're going to give it up. So you've got to have an idea, or a problem or a wrong that you want to right that you're passionate about; otherwise, you're not going to have the perseverance to stick it through. - Steve Jobs quote.
I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. Unless you have a lot of passion about this, you're not going to survive. You're going to give it up. So you've got to have an idea, or a problem or a wrong that you want to right that you're passionate about; otherwise, you're not going to have the perseverance to stick it through.
Steve Jobs Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories, April, 1995
Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.


A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he gives up.


Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air. - John Quincy Adams quote.
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.

obstacles courage

Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverance. - Abigail Adams quote.
Great difficulties may be surmounted by patience and perseverance.


Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure. - George Eliot quote.
Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure.

striving failure

Genius, that power which dazzles mortal eyes,
Is oft but perseverance in disguise.


I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.
To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has,
is courage in a man. - Euripides quote.
To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has,
is courage in a man.
Perseverance can lend the appearance of dignity and grandeur to many actions, just as silence in company affords wisdom and apparent intelligence to a stupid person. - G. C. Lichtenberg quote.
Perseverance can lend the appearance of dignity and grandeur to many actions, just as silence in company affords wisdom and apparent intelligence to a stupid person.
You can't fall off the floor. Try once more.
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale Carnegie quote.
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.


It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert Einstein quote.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.


All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance. - Samuel Johnson quote.
All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance.
As long as the day lasts, let's give it all we got.
Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air
Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.
Fate gave to man the courage of endurance. - Ludwig van Beethoven quote.
Fate gave to man the courage of endurance.
Few things are impracticable in themselves; and it is for want of application, rather than of means, that men fail of success.
God is with those who patiently persevere.

proverbs Arabian proverbs

I have begun several things many times, and I have often succeeded at last. I will sit down, but the time will come when you will hear me. - Benjamin Disraeli quote.
I have begun several things many times, and I have often succeeded at last. I will sit down, but the time will come when you will hear me.
In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm; in the real world, all rests on perseverance. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote.
In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm; in the real world, all rests on perseverance.
It is not necessary to hope in order to undertake, nor to succeed in order to persevere.
It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.


Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down. - Charles F. Kettering quote.
Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.

moving forward

Perserverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little. - Plutarch quote.
Perserverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.
Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.
Persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite.
There are two ways of attaining an important end—force and perseverance. Force falls to the lot only of the privileged few, but austere and sustained perseverance can be practised by the most insignificant. - Madame Swetchine quote.
There are two ways of attaining an important end—force and perseverance. Force falls to the lot only of the privileged few, but austere and sustained perseverance can be practised by the most insignificant.
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure. - Winston Churchill quote.
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.
Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, and obstinacy in a bad one. - Laurence Sterne quote.
Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, and obstinacy in a bad one.


To presevere in one's duty and be silent, is the best answer to calumny. - George Washington quote.
To presevere in one's duty and be silent, is the best answer to calumny.
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.
Whatever necessity lays upon thee, endure; whatever she commands, do. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote.
Whatever necessity lays upon thee, endure; whatever she commands, do.
When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil; while fretting and fuming only serves to increase your own torments. - Thomas Jefferson quote.
When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil; while fretting and fuming only serves to increase your own torments.
When you want a thing deeply, earnestly and intensely, this feeling of desire reinforces your will and arouses in you the determination to work for the desired object. When you have a distinct purpose in view, your work becomes of absorbing interest. You bend your best powers to it; you give it concentrated attention; you think of little else than the realization of this purpose; your will is stimulated into unusual activity, and as a consequence you do your work with an increasing sense of power.
Whoever perseveres will be crowned.
Without perseverance talent is a barren bed.

Welsh proverbs proverbs talent

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. - H. Ross Perot quote.
Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.


The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. - Thomas Edison quote.
The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.

hard work common sense success