Aeschylus Quotes
Most popular Aeschylus Quotes

Time brings all things to pass.

Ask the gods, nothing excessive.

Memory is the mother of all wisdom.

Wisdom comes alone through suffering.

Every ruler is harsh whose rule is new.

A prosperous fool is a grievous burden.

But time, growing old teaches all things.

Those who prosper take on airs of vanity.

Time in its aging course teaches all things.

It is always in season for the old to learn.

It is always in season for old men to learn.

God is not averse to deceit in a holy cause.

Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.

When a man's willing and eager, the gods join in.

What is pleasanter than the tie of host and guest?

Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.

The lust for power never dies—men cannot have enough.

In marriage, when there are equal partners, I fear not.

It is a high advantage for a wise man not to seem wise.

I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship.

Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety.

Against necessity, against its strength, no one can fight and win.

Against necessity, against its strength, no man can fight and win.

The future you shall know when it has come; before then, forget it.

Nor sitting by his hearth at home doth a man escape his appointed doom.

It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.

Obedience is the mother of success, and success the parent of salvation.

It is an easy thing for one whose foot Is on the outside of calamity to give advice.

There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls.

In every tyrant's heart there springs in the end This poison, that he cannot trust a friend.

Few men have the strength of character to rejoice in a friend's success without a touch of envy.

It is easy for the one who stands outside The prison-wall of pain to exhort and teach the one Who suffers.

For the poison of hatred seated near the heart doubles the burden for the one who suffers the disease; he is burdened with his own sorrow, and groans on seeing another's happiness.