Plautus Quotes
Most popular Plautus Quotes

Let deeds match words.

No blessing lasts forever.

Facts speak for themselves.

No man is wise enough by himself.

Practice yourself what you preach.

Courage in danger is half the battle.

The gods play games with men as balls.

Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

How great in number are the little-minded people.

Not by years but by disposition is wisdom acquired.

One eye-witness is of more weight than ten hearsays.

The more you associate yourself with good, the better.

It is the fashion to seek honor for disgraceful conduct.

Every man can remember that which has interested himself.

Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need.

If you are but content you have enough to live upon with comfort.

Nothing is more wretched than the mind of one conscious of guilt.

Men understand the worth of blessings only when they have lost them.

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend.

Things which you do not hope happen more frequently than things which you do hope.

The day, water, sun, moon, night — I do not have to purchase these things with money.

No guest is so welcome in a friend's house that he will not become a nuisance after three days.

Consider the little mouse, how sagacious an animal it is which never entrusts its life to one hole only.