Fake News Quotes

Most popular fake news quotes

The world has gone strange. You can't tell the reality from the fantasy anymore. Think I'm kidding? On the racks at the supermarket are "newspapers" like the Sun, the Midnight Star, the Weekly World News. Typical lead story: Elvis has been found alive in a UFO dredged from the Bermuda Triangle. People read this stuff. It's not even good SF [science fiction]. They have a vote, same as you. - Terry Pratchett quote.
The world has gone strange. You can't tell the reality from the fantasy anymore. Think I'm kidding? On the racks at the supermarket are "newspapers" like the Sun, the Midnight Star, the Weekly World News. Typical lead story: Elvis has been found alive in a UFO dredged from the Bermuda Triangle. People read this stuff. It's not even good SF [science fiction]. They have a vote, same as you.
The old saw says, "Let a sleeping dog lie." Right. Still, when there is much at stake it is better to get a newspaper to do it. - Mark Twain quote.
The old saw says, "Let a sleeping dog lie." Right. Still, when there is much at stake it is better to get a newspaper to do it.


Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper. - Thomas Jefferson quote.
Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.

journalism media

A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

propaganda lies

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. - Adolf Hitler quote.
The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.

propaganda lies

If you want reliable information – pay good money for it. If you get your news for free, you might well be the product. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
If you want reliable information – pay good money for it. If you get your news for free, you might well be the product.
