Yuval Noah Harari Quotes

Most popular Yuval Noah Harari Quotes

If you want reliable information – pay good money for it. If you get your news for free, you might well be the product. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
If you want reliable information – pay good money for it. If you get your news for free, you might well be the product.
— Yuval Noah Harari 24 Lessons for the 21st Century

journalism fake news

Even though neuroscience shows us that there is no such thing as free will, in practical terms it made sense because nobody could understand and manipulate your innermost feelings. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
Even though neuroscience shows us that there is no such thing as free will, in practical terms it made sense because nobody could understand and manipulate your innermost feelings.
— Yuval Noah Harari Interview in The Guardian

free will

The more people believe in free will, that their feelings represent some mystical spiritual capacity, the easier it is to manipulate them, because they won't think that their feelings are being produced and manipulated by some external system. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
The more people believe in free will, that their feelings represent some mystical spiritual capacity, the easier it is to manipulate them, because they won't think that their feelings are being produced and manipulated by some external system.
— Yuval Noah Harari Interview in The Guardian

free will artificial intelligence

Truth and power can travel together only so far. Sooner or later they go their separate ways. If you want power, at some point you will have to spread fictions. If you want to know the truth about the world, at some point you will have to renounce power. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
Truth and power can travel together only so far. Sooner or later they go their separate ways. If you want power, at some point you will have to spread fictions. If you want to know the truth about the world, at some point you will have to renounce power.
— Yuval Noah Harari 22 Lessons for the 21st Century

reality truth power

As a species, humans prefer power to truth. We spend far more time and effort on trying to control the world than on trying to understand it – and even when we try to understand it, we usually do so in the hope that understanding the world will make it easier to control it. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
As a species, humans prefer power to truth. We spend far more time and effort on trying to control the world than on trying to understand it – and even when we try to understand it, we usually do so in the hope that understanding the world will make it easier to control it.
— Yuval Noah Harari 23 Lessons for the 21st Century

reality truth power

Drinking lots of Coca-Cola will not make you young, will not make you healthy, and will not make you athletic – rather, it increases your chances of suffering from obesity and diabetes. Yet for decades Coca-Cola has invested billions of dollars in linking itself to youth, health and sports – and billions of humans subconsciously believe in this linkage. - Yuval Noah Harari quote.
Drinking lots of Coca-Cola will not make you young, will not make you healthy, and will not make you athletic – rather, it increases your chances of suffering from obesity and diabetes. Yet for decades Coca-Cola has invested billions of dollars in linking itself to youth, health and sports – and billions of humans subconsciously believe in this linkage.
— Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
