Samuel Coleridge Quotes
Most popular Samuel Coleridge Quotes

Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea.

Friendship is a sheltering tree.

He prayeth best, who loveth best.

There is nothing insignificant...nothing.

Joy rises in me, like as a summer's morn.

My eyes make pictures, when they are shut.

Earth, with her thousand voices, praises God.

The truth is, a great mind must be androgynous.

A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive.

In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly.

Tranquillity! Thou better name than all the family of Fame.

Every principle contains in itself the germs of a prophecy.

Our Own Heart, And Not Other Men's Opinion, Form Our True Honor.

Common-sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.

Force yourself to reflect on what you read, paragraph by paragraph.

No man was ever honored for what he received, but for what he gave.

Painting is the intermediate somewhat between a thought and a thing.

If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all?

To see him act was like reading Shakespeare by flashes of lightning.

By dignity I mean the absence of ludicrous and debasing associations.

There is one art of which man should be master, the art of reflection.

And the Devil did grin, for his darling sin Is pride that apes humility.

The largest and worthiest portion of our knowledge consists of aphorisms.

No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.

Be noble! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions forms our true honor.

Death but supplies the oil for the inextinguishable lamp of everlasting life.

Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve, And hope without an object cannot live.

Indignation at literary wrongs I leave to men born under happier stars. I cannot afford it.

If a man is not rising upwards to be an angel, depend upon it, he is sinking downwards to be a devil.

In the treatment of nervous cases, he is the best physician, who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope.

Advice, like snow, the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper its sinks into the mind.

A poet ought not to pick nature's pocket: let him borrow, and so borrow as to repay by the very act of borrowing.

Dryden's genius was of that sort which catches fire by its own motion: his chariot-wheels got hot by driving fast.

I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children— and what an inhuman world, without the aged.

For language is the armory of the human mind; and at once contains the trophies of its past, and the weapons of its future conquests.

A falsehood is, in one sense, a dead thing; but too often it moves about, galvanized by self-will, and pushes the living out of their seats.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. For what is enthusiasm but the oblivion and swallowing-up of self in an object dearer than self?

The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.

Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole.

Poetry is certainly something more than good sense, but it must be good sense at all events; just as a palace is more than a house, but it must be a house, at least.

Reviewers are usually people who would have been poets, biographers...if they could; they have tried their talents at one or the other, and have failed; therefore they turn to critics.

Nothing is as contagious as enthusiasm. It is the real allegory of the myth of Orpheus; it moves stones, and charms brutes. It is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it.

Genius must have talent as its complement and implement, just as in like manner imagination must have fancy. In short, the higher intellectual powers can only act through a corresponding energy of the lower.

If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives is a lantern on the stern, which shines only on the waves behind us.

The happiness of life, on the contrary, is made up of minute fractions—the little soon-forgotten charities of a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment in the disguise of playful raillery, and the countless other infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling.