Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes
Most popular Elizabeth Barrett Browning Quotes

Only the Good discerns the good.

Who so loves believes the impossible.

Every wish Is like a prayer—with God.

Since when was genius found respectable?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I worked with patience which means almost power.

Frequent tears have run The colors from my life.

Men do not think of sons, when they fall in love.

Every age appears to souls who live in it most unheroic.

What is art, But life upon the larger scale, the higher.

Colors seen by candle-light Will not look the same by day.

What is genius—but the power of expressing a new individuality?

Knowledge by suffering entereth, And Life is perfected by Death.

Men get opinions as boys learn to spell, By reiteration chiefly.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.

Many a fervid man Writes books as cold and flat as graveyard stones.

Intelligence recognizes what has happened. Genius recognizes what will happen.

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

If we tried To sink the past beneath our feet, be sure The future would not stand.

No man can be called friendless when he has God and the companionship of good books.

Books are men of higher stature, And the only men that speak aloud for future times to hear.

The face of all the world is changed, I think, Since I first heard the footsteps of thy soul.

I did some excellent things indifferently, Some bad things excellently. Both were praised, The latter loudest.

An ignorance of means may minister To greatness, but an ignorance of aims Makes it impossible to be great at all.

God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers, And thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face, A gauntlet with a gift in't.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight.

Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees, takes off his shoes, The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries, And daub their natural faces unaware.
God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers, And thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face, A gauntlet with a gift in 't.