Clare Booth Luce Quotes

Most popular Clare Booth Luce Quotes

A virgin—a frozen asset. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
A virgin—a frozen asset.
— Clare Booth Luce The Women


Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
— Clare Booth Luce Reader’s Digest


A deer in the body of a woman, living resentfully in the Hollywood zoo. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
A deer in the body of a woman, living resentfully in the Hollywood zoo.
— Clare Booth Luce Halliwell’s Filmgoer’s Companion


It's matrimonial suicide to be jealous when you have a really good reason. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
It's matrimonial suicide to be jealous when you have a really good reason.
— Clare Booth Luce


There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife.
— Clare Booth Luce

infidelity wife

There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them.
— Clare Booth Luce
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home, but, unlike charity, it should end there. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home, but, unlike charity, it should end there.
— Clare Booth Luce


There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them.
— Clare Booth Luce


I was wondering today what the religion of the country is—and all I could come up with was sex. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
I was wondering today what the religion of the country is—and all I could come up with was sex.
— Clare Booth Luce in Washington Post

sex religion

A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self—in the mirror of some woman's eyes. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self—in the mirror of some woman's eyes.
— Clare Booth Luce The Women

men and women

I don't have a warm personal enemy left.  They've all died off.  I miss them terribly because they helped define me. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
I don't have a warm personal enemy left.  They've all died off.  I miss them terribly because they helped define me.
— Clare Booth Luce The Dick Cavett Show


What generally passes for "thought" among the majority of mankind is the time one takes out to rearrange one's prejudices. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
What generally passes for "thought" among the majority of mankind is the time one takes out to rearrange one's prejudices.
— Clare Booth Luce Woman’s Day


The best defense against a powerful and positive dynamic ideology is neither verbal attack nor criticism, which are useful, but to set up an equally powerful and dynamic ideology against it. - Clare Booth Luce quote.
The best defense against a powerful and positive dynamic ideology is neither verbal attack nor criticism, which are useful, but to set up an equally powerful and dynamic ideology against it.
— Clare Booth Luce Europe in the Spring


Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there.
— Clare Booth Luce McCall’s
