Alice Duer Miller Quotes

Most popular Alice Duer Miller Quotes

Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.
— Alice Duer Miller


You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.
— Alice Duer Miller All Our Lives


If it's painful for you to criticize your friends, you're safe in doing it; if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
— Alice Duer Miller

friendship criticism

If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends—you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
— Alice Duer Miller


Men are too emotional to vote. Their conduct at baseball games and political conventions shows this, while their innate tendency to appeal to force renders them particularly unfit for the task of government. Man's place is in the armory.
— Alice Duer Miller
