Sweat Quotes
Most popular sweat quotes
Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment.

Dancing is a sweat job. You can't just sit down and do it, you have to get up on your feet.

But a man who doesn't dream is like a man who doesn't sweat. He stores up a lot of poison.

Badness you can get easily, in quantity: the road is smooth, and it lies close by. But in front of excellence the immortal gods have put sweat, and long and steep is the way to it, and rough at first.
To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy.

Do not feel entitled to anything you do not sweat or struggle for.
I don't feel right unless I have a sport to play or at least a way to work up a sweat.

First comes the sweat, and then the beauty—if you're very lucky and have said your prayers.

The person who wants to make it has to sweat. There are no short cuts.

The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.
The sea is the sweat of the earth.

No one has ever drowned in sweat.

The sweat of hard work is not to be displayed. It is much more graceful to appear favored by the gods.
Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.

His brow is wet with honest sweat, He earns whate'er he can, And looks the whole world in the face, For he owes not any man.

A pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood.

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.
Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach.
A drop of sweat on the drill ground will save many drops of blood on the battlefield.

Many people believe success is dependent upon the glands, and they're right if they're referring to the "sweat glands." America was built by people who worked and pulled on the oars, not those who rested on the oars.