Space Quotes
Most popular space quotes

The work of Planck and Einstein proved that light behaved as particles in some ways and that the ether therefore was not needed for light to travel through a vacuum. When this was done, the ether was no longer useful and it was dropped with a glad cry. The ether has never been required since. It does not exist now; in fact, it never existed.
Space: the final frontier.

Man has always been an explorer. There's a fascination in thrusting out and going to new places. It is like going through a door because you find the door in front of you. I think that man loses something if he has the option to go to the moon and does not take it.
Man, the cutting edge of terrestrial life, has no rational alternative but to expand the environmental and resource base beyond earth.
America is now a space-faring nation.... a frontier good for millions of years. The only time remotely comparable was when Columbus discovered a whole new world.

Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars.

Space travel is an extravagant feat of technological exhibitionism.
What if Columbus had been told, 'Chris, baby, don't go now. Wait until we've solved our number-one priorities: war and famine; poverty and crime; pollution and disease; illiteracy and racial hatred'.

The message from the moon which we have flashed to the far corners of this planet is that no problem need any longer be considered insoluble.