Simile Quotes
Most popular simile quotes

Metaphors and similes (puns, too, I might add) extend the dimensions and expand the possibilities of the world. When both innovative and relevant, they can wake up a reader, make him or her aware, through elasticity of verbiage, that reality—in our daily lives as well as in our stories—is less prescribed than tradition has led us to believe.

A simile is just a metaphor with the scaffolding still up.
It's the most familiar of all literary embellishments, in a class with a wedge of lemon or a sprig of parsley. It can raise a cupcake to the level of a petit four.
A simile is like a pair of eyeglasses, one side sees this, one side sees that, the device brings them together.

One Simile, that solitary shines In the dry desert of a thousand lines, Or lengthen'd Thought that gleams through many a page, Has sanctify'd whole poems for an age.

One has to regard a man as a Master who can produce on average three uniquely brilliant and entirely original similes to every page.

A simile committing suicide is always a depressing spectacle.