Quotes About Buenos Aires
Most popular Buenos Aires quotes

Distracted city, dispersed city, egotistical city: cry. You need to be purified by your tears... . Let this scatterbrained, superficial city be purified by its grief.

For many, Buenos Aires is a factory of slaves...a meat grinder which destroys their lives, breaks their will, and deprives them of freedom.

After 52 commuters died when a train crashed into buffers at a railway station in Buenos Aires: This city does not know how to weep. All is fixed with anesthetics... virtually all of them were earning their daily bread. With dignity! Father, let us not get used to the idea that to earn your daily bread you must travel like cattle.

At school they taught us slavery has been abolished, but do you know what? It was a fairy tale! Because in Buenos Aires, slavery has not been abolished; in this city it is still common in various forms; in this city workers are exploited in clandestine workshops and, if they are immigrants, they prevent them from leaving; and in this city there are children who have been living on the streets for years... . In this city women are kidnapped and are submitted to the use and abuse of their bodies, destroying their dignity. There are men here who abuse and make money from human flesh... Dogs are treated better than these slaves of ours!

How lovely it is to walk this way, slowly, feeling the presence of others, singing, looking forward, looking at the sky, praying for those who aren't with us in Buenos Aires!

When I pray for the city of Buenos Aires, I give thanks for the fact that it was the city where I was born.