Philosophers Quotes

Most popular philosophers quotes

To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts; but to so love wisdom as to live according to its dictates. - Henry David Thoreau quote.
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts; but to so love wisdom as to live according to its dictates.
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. - Bertrand Russell quote.
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

charity knowledge love compassion

A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring. - Ludwig Wittgenstein quote.
A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring.


I made the journey to knowledge like dogs who go for walks with their masters, a hundred times forward and backward over the same territory; and when I arrived I was tired. - G. C. Lichtenberg quote.
I made the journey to knowledge like dogs who go for walks with their masters, a hundred times forward and backward over the same territory; and when I arrived I was tired.


All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher. - Ambrose Bierce quote.
All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.
When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind. - Kahlil Gibran quote.
When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart she produces a philosopher to speak her mind.
Definition of a philosopher: a man who has the right to say maybe. - Theodore Roethke quote.
Definition of a philosopher: a man who has the right to say maybe.
Professional philosophers are usually only apologists: that is, they are absorbed in defending some vested illusion or some eloquent idea.  Like lawyers or detectives, they study the case for which they are retained. - George Santayana quote.
Professional philosophers are usually only apologists: that is, they are absorbed in defending some vested illusion or some eloquent idea.  Like lawyers or detectives, they study the case for which they are retained.
The philosopher is Nature's pilot. And there you have our difference: to be in hell is to drift: to be in heaven is to steer. - George Bernard Shaw quote.
The philosopher is Nature's pilot. And there you have our difference: to be in hell is to drift: to be in heaven is to steer.
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust.
Aristotle, the Philosopher's Pope.
A man of business may talk of philosophy; a man who has none may practice it. - Alexander Pope quote.
A man of business may talk of philosophy; a man who has none may practice it.
All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusion is called a philosopher. - Ambrose Bierce quote.
All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusion is called a philosopher.
There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands. - Plato quote.
There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.
It is the man of science, eager to have his every opinion regenerated, his every idea rationalized, by drinking at the fountain of fact, and devoting all the energies of his life to the cult of truth, not as he understands it, but as he does not yet understand it, that ought properly to be called a philosopher.
