Irony Quotes

Most popular irony quotes

Experience insists that irony is Fate's most common figure of speech.

figurative language

The real marriage of true minds is for any two people to possess a sense of humor or irony pitched in exactly the same key, so that their joint glances at any subject cross like interarching searchlights. - Edith Wharton quote.
The real marriage of true minds is for any two people to possess a sense of humor or irony pitched in exactly the same key, so that their joint glances at any subject cross like interarching searchlights.

sense of humor

It is one of the ironies of life that our intimates often provoke us more than our enemies.


Irony is the hygiene of the mind.
Irony and pity are two good counselors: one, in smiling, makes life pleasurable; the other who cries, makes it sacred. - Anatole France quote.
Irony and pity are two good counselors: one, in smiling, makes life pleasurable; the other who cries, makes it sacred.
Irony is bitter truth
wrapped up in a little joke.
Far more quickly than reason and logic, irony can penetrate rage and puncture self-pity. - Moss Hart quote.
Far more quickly than reason and logic, irony can penetrate rage and puncture self-pity.
The spirit of irony ... the whiskey of the mind. - J. B. Priestley quote.
The spirit of irony ... the whiskey of the mind.
J. B. Priestley Margin Released: A Writer’s Reminiscences and Reflections
Humor brings insight and tolerance.  Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding. - Agnes Repplier quote.
Humor brings insight and tolerance.  Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding.
A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor—for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself. - Jessamyn West quote.
A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor—for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself.
Irony is an insult conveyed in the form of a compliment; insinuating the most galling satire under the phraseology of panegyric.