Inspiration Quotes
Most popular inspiration quotes

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

Just as appetite comes by eating, so work brings inspiration, if inspiration is not discernible at the beginning.

When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it.

Inspiration is never genuine if it is known as inspiration at the time. True inspiration always steals on a person, its importance not being fully recognized for some time.

Inspiration is a farce that poets have invented to give themselves importance.
My sole inspiration is a telephone call from a producer.

A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.
The ultimate inspiration is the deadline. That's when you have to do what needs to be done.
Inspiration never arrived when you were searching for it.
Inspiration is the richest nation I know, the most powerful on earth.
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant; there is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.

Inspiration always comes when a man really wants it to, but it doesn't always go when he wants.
When you do not know what you are doing and what you are doing is the best—that is inspiration.

We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.
Inspiration may be a form of super-consciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness—I wouldn't know; but I am sure that it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.
If you wait for inspiration or that thing to hit you, you're dead. Action breeds inspiration more than inspiration breeds action.
Inspiration impels us to experience what has not yet occurred, but is already known.

Ninety eight per cent of genius is hard work. As for genius being inspired, inspiration is in most cases another word for perspiration.

It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion who cannot write well under other circumstances.

Inspiration comes during work, not before it.
You can't always sit around and wait for inspiration to strike. Amateurs wait for inspiration. The real pros get up and go to work.

I could never tell where inspiration begins and impulse leaves off. I suppose the answer is in the outcome. If your hunch proves a good one, you were inspired; if it proves bad, you are guilty of yielding to thoughtless impulse.
If you can't find your inspiration by walking around the block one time, go around two blocks—but never three.
Inspiration could be called inhaling the memory of an act never experienced.
Inspiration is the greatest gift because it opens your life to many new possibilities. Each day becomes more meaningful and your life is enhanced when your actions are guided by what inspires you.
Inspiration cannot be willed, although it can be wooed.
Our moments of inspiration are not lost though we have no particular poem to show for them; for those experiences have left an indelible impression, and we are ever and anon reminded of them.
Inspiration comes very slowly and quietly.
Inspiration does not come like a bolt, nor is it kinetic, energetic striving, but it comes into us slowly and quietly and all the time, though we must regularly and every day give it a little chance to start flowing, prime it with a little solitude and idleness.

Many a witty inspiration is like the surprising reunion of befriended thoughts after a long separation.
Inspiration descends only in flashes, to clothe circumstances; it is not stored up in a barrel, like salt herrings, to be doled out.