Fanaticism Quotes

Most popular fanaticism quotes

A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. - Winston Churchill quote.
A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.


A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. - Winston Churchill quote.
A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt. - Robert M. Pirsig quote.
When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt.


Fanaticism was a more powerful combatant than avarice. - Gertrude Atherton quote.
Fanaticism was a more powerful combatant than avarice.
Hell hath no fury like a fanatic asked to find a reason for what he's doing. He simply wants to do it, and generally he wants to do it because he observes, often unconsciously, that something new is coming into existence and he doesn't like it, and he's going out with fire and sword to hold it back.
A fanatic is a man that does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case. - Finley Peter Dunne quote.
A fanatic is a man that does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case.
Of all things, wisdom is the most terrified of epidemical fanaticism, because of all enemies it is that against which she is the least able to furnish any kind of resource. - Edmund Burke quote.
Of all things, wisdom is the most terrified of epidemical fanaticism, because of all enemies it is that against which she is the least able to furnish any kind of resource.
From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step. - Denis Diderot quote.
From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.
The fanatical believer is not conscious of his envy, malice, pettiness and dishonesty. There is a wall of words between his consciousness and his real self. - Eric Hoffer quote.
The fanatical believer is not conscious of his envy, malice, pettiness and dishonesty. There is a wall of words between his consciousness and his real self.
Eric Hoffer The Passionate State Of Mind, and Other Aphorisms
Fanaticism is a disease of the mind, just as alcoholism is a disease of the body, and the rational cure for both is the diminishing dose. - Elbert Hubbard quote.
Fanaticism is a disease of the mind, just as alcoholism is a disease of the body, and the rational cure for both is the diminishing dose.
Defined in psychological terms, a fanatic is a man who consciously over-compensates for a secret doubt. - Aldous Huxley quote.
Defined in psychological terms, a fanatic is a man who consciously over-compensates for a secret doubt.
Fanatics have their dreams, wherewith they weave
A paradise for a sect. - John Keats quote.
Fanatics have their dreams, wherewith they weave
A paradise for a sect.
We often excuse our own want of philanthropy by giving the name of fanaticism to the more ardent zeal of others. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow quote.
We often excuse our own want of philanthropy by giving the name of fanaticism to the more ardent zeal of others.


The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan values and ends is another childish, but also universal, corruption of religion.  This is the source of all religious fanaticism. - Reinhold Niebuhr quote.
The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan values and ends is another childish, but also universal, corruption of religion.  This is the source of all religious fanaticism.


It appears to me that one defeats the fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one's intelligence. - George Orwell quote.
It appears to me that one defeats the fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one's intelligence.
Fanatics fear liberty more than they fear persecution. - Ernest Renan quote.
Fanatics fear liberty more than they fear persecution.
The enemy for the fanatic is pleasure, which makes it extremely important to continue to indulge in pleasure.  Dance madly.  That is how you get rid of terrorism. - Salman Rushdie quote.
The enemy for the fanatic is pleasure, which makes it extremely important to continue to indulge in pleasure.  Dance madly.  That is how you get rid of terrorism.


Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. - George Santayana quote.
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
There is nobody as enslaved as the fanatic, the person in whom one impulse, one value, has assumed ascendancy over all others.
Milton Sapirstein Paradoxes of Everyday Life: A Psychoanalyst’s Interpretations
The weakness of the fanatic is that those whom he fights have a secret hold upon him; and to this weakness he and his group finally succumb. - Paul Tillich quote.
The weakness of the fanatic is that those whom he fights have a secret hold upon him; and to this weakness he and his group finally succumb.
Fanaticism is to superstition what delirium is to fever, and fury to anger. - Voltaire quote.
Fanaticism is to superstition what delirium is to fever, and fury to anger.
The cardinal doctrine of a fanatic's creed is that his enemies are the enemies of God.