Despotism Quotes

Most popular despotism quotes

Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion, and fear. - P. D. James quote.
Creativity doesn't flourish in an atmosphere of despotism, coercion, and fear.


Despotism subjects a nation to one tyrant; democracy, to many. - Lady Blessington quote.
Despotism subjects a nation to one tyrant; democracy, to many.


The doctrine of blind obedience and unqualified submission to any human power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is the doctrine of despotism.


A country governed by a despot is an inverted cone. - Samuel Johnson quote.
A country governed by a despot is an inverted cone.
Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called, and whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the injunctions of men. - John Stuart Mill quote.
Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called, and whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the injunctions of men.


The more complete the despotism, the more smoothly all things move on the surface. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton quote.
The more complete the despotism, the more smoothly all things move on the surface.