Defeat Quotes
Most popular defeat quotes

Heroes are made in the hour of defeat.

Success is a series of glorious defeats.

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.
Defeat may serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out.

Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity, and stumble from defeat to defeat.

Autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful. A man who gives a good account of himself is probably lying, since any life when viewed from the inside is simply a series of defeats.

Only a man who knows what it is to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.

I've encountered many defeats. Without defeats, how do you really know who the hell you are? If you never had to stand up to something—to get up, to be knocked down, and to get up again—life can walk over you wearing football cleats.

Always have the situation under control, even if losing. Never betray an inward sense of defeat.

History to the defeated May say Alas but cannot help or pardon.
Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat.

It is defeat that turns bone to flint, gristle to muscle, and makes men invincible.

Defeat is a school in which truth always grows strong.

The taste of defeat has a richness of experience all its own.

Life is to be lived, not controlled; humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.

The fullness of life is in the hazards of life. And, at the worst, there is that in us which can turn defeat into victory.

"But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated."

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

There is no defeat except from within.

Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.

There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan.

A man able to think isn't defeated—even when he is defeated.

A wise man fights to win, but he is twice a fool who has no plan for possible defeat.

There could be no honor in a sure success but much might be wrested from a sure defeat.

Defeats and failures are great developers of character. They have made the giants of our race by giving Titanic muscles, brawny sinews, and far-reaching intellects.

There is something in defeat which puts new determination into a man of mettle.

The deepest personal defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become.

There are defeats more triumphant than victories.

A faint endeavor ends in a sure defeat.

Defeat doesn't finish a man—quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits.

No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within.

Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.

The injustice of defeat lies in the fact that its most innocent victims are made to look like heartless accomplices.

Back of every mistaken venture and defeat is the laughter of wisdom, if you listen. Every blunder behind us is giving a cheer for us.
What is important is not that you have a defeat but how you react to it. There is always the possibility to transform a defeat into something else, something new, something strong. All the good stories, all the people we remember are the ones who do this, who make victories out of their failures.

If a victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat.