Clergy Quotes
Most popular clergy quotes

Preachers say, 'Do as I say, not as I do.'
The priest is concerned with other people for the sake of God and with God for the sake of other people.
Generally speaking, bishops are generally speaking.
A Carmelite nun should be, by the very nature of her vocation, a specialist in prayer. Or, to give it a more modern twist, she is a career woman in the field of prayer and contemplation.

Preaching is personal counseling on a group basis.
People expect the clergy to have the grace of a swan, the friendliness of a sparrow, the strength of an eagle and the night hours of an owl - and some people expect such a bird to live on the food of a canary.
My sister's at divinity school studying how to become a divinity, I suppose.

A powerful preacher is open to the same sense of enjoyment—an awful, tremulous, goose-flesh sort of state, but still enjoyment—that a great tragedian feels when he curdles the blood of his audience.

None preaches better than the ant, and she says nothing.

If there were no priests, people would be more religious.

A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
In church, sacred music would make believers of us all—but preachers can be counted on to restore the balance.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
Most sermons sound to me like commercials—but I can't make out whether God is the Sponsor or the Product.

There is in every village a torch—the teacher; and an extinguisher—the clergyman.

To all things clergic, I am allergic.
As wanderers, we monks and nuns are free of shadows from the past. This wandering life, with no material possessions, unlocks our souls. There is a wonderful sense of lightness, living each day as it comes, with no sense of ownership, no weight, no burden. Journey and destination became one, thought and action became one, until it is as if we are moving like a river into complete detachment.