T. Boone Pickens Quotes

Most popular T. Boone Pickens Quotes

Chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa. - T. Boone Pickens quote.
Chief executives, who themselves own few shares of their companies, have no more feeling for the average stockholder than they do for baboons in Africa.
— T. Boone Pickens


Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader. Don't fall victim to what I call the 'ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome'. You must be willing to fire. - T. Boone Pickens quote.
Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader. Don't fall victim to what I call the 'ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome'. You must be willing to fire.
— T. Boone Pickens

action decision-making

Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader. Don't fall victim to what I call the 'ready aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome.' You must be willing to fire.
— T. Boone Pickens


Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader. Don't fall victim to what I call the 'ready – aim – aim – aim – aim syndrome.' You must be willing to fire.
— T. Boone Pickens
