Seán O'Casey Quotes

Most popular Seán O'Casey Quotes

It is my rule never to lose my temper till it would be detrimental to keep it. - Seán O'Casey quote.
It is my rule never to lose my temper till it would be detrimental to keep it.
— Seán O'Casey

anger temper

Laughter is wine for the soul—laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness. - Seán O'Casey quote.
Laughter is wine for the soul—laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness.
— Seán O'Casey Fifty Famous Essays


Disease can never be conquered, can never be quelled by emotion's wailful screaming or faith's cymballic prayer. - Seán O'Casey quote.
Disease can never be conquered, can never be quelled by emotion's wailful screaming or faith's cymballic prayer.
— Seán O'Casey Inishfallen Fare Thee Well


Politics—I don't know why, but they seem to have a tendency to separate us, to keep us from one another, while nature is always and ever making efforts to bring us together. - Seán O'Casey quote.
Politics—I don't know why, but they seem to have a tendency to separate us, to keep us from one another, while nature is always and ever making efforts to bring us together.
— Seán O'Casey


You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea; you cannot put an idea up against a barrack square wall and riddle it with bullets; you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell that your slaves could ever build. - Seán O'Casey quote.
You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea; you cannot put an idea up against a barrack square wall and riddle it with bullets; you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell that your slaves could ever build.
— Seán O'Casey
