Sarah Josepha Hale Quotes

Most popular Sarah Josepha Hale Quotes

What a ready passport wealth gives its possessor to the good opinions of this world! - Sarah Josepha Hale quote.
What a ready passport wealth gives its possessor to the good opinions of this world!
— Sarah Josepha Hale Traits of American Life


What in the rising man was industry and economy, becomes in the rich man parsimony and avarice. - Sarah Josepha Hale quote.
What in the rising man was industry and economy, becomes in the rich man parsimony and avarice.
— Sarah Josepha Hale Traits of American Life


Riches are always over estimated [sic]; the enjoyment they give is more in the pursuit than the possession. - Sarah Josepha Hale quote.
Riches are always over estimated [sic]; the enjoyment they give is more in the pursuit than the possession.
— Sarah Josepha Hale Traits of American Life

wealth enjoyment pursuit

Self-control, in every station and to every individual, is indispensable, if people would retain that equanimity of mind, which, depending on self-respect, is the essential of contentment and happiness. - Sarah Josepha Hale quote.
Self-control, in every station and to every individual, is indispensable, if people would retain that equanimity of mind, which, depending on self-respect, is the essential of contentment and happiness.
— Sarah Josepha Hale Sketches of American Character
