Phyllis Theroux Quotes

Most popular Phyllis Theroux Quotes

To envy is to draw circles that isolate us from others, to take small, bitter trips that diminish the traveler.
— Phyllis Theroux Night Lights: Bedtime Stories for Parents in the Dark


Children are born with imaginations in mint condition, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Then life corrects for grandiosity.
— Phyllis Theroux The Journal Keeper: A Memoir

children imagination

I was really nothing more than a custodian to a mystery that was beyond my comprehension.  I think that's what hooks one on gardening forever.  It is the closest one can come to being present at the creation.
— Phyllis Theroux in The New York Times


If there is any reason to single out artists as being more necessary to our lives than any others, it is because they provide us with light that cannot be extinguished. They go into dark rooms and poke at their souls until the contours of our own are familiar to us.
— Phyllis Theroux The Book of Eulogies
