Martial Quotes
Most popular Martial Quotes

Laugh, if thou art wise.

Glory paid to our ashes comes too late.

Life is not living but living in health.

Nothing is more confident than a bad poet.

They have no home whose home is everywhere.

Life thy life ... and pluck the joys that fly.

Tomorrow's life comes late; live, then, today.

Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none.

There is no living with thee, nor without thee.

He who weighs his responsibilities can bear them.

A work which is destined to live must have genius.

To the wise, life is a solution; to the fool, a problem.

Glory arrives too late when it comes only to one's ashes.

Glory comes too late, after one as been reduced to ashes.

If fame is only to come after death, I am in no hurry for it.

'Tis easy to write epigrams nicely, but to write a book is hard.

Knowledge the clue to life can give: Then wherefore hesitate to live.

The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth which you have given away.