Margot Asquith Quotes
Most popular Margot Asquith Quotes

He couldn't see a belt without hitting below it.

She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake.

Sir Stafford has a brilliant mind until it is made up.

You can do something with talent, but nothing with genius.

He's very clever, but sometimes his brains go to his head.

The capacity to suffer varies more than anything that I have observed in human nature.

I have always wanted to be a man, if only for the reason that I would like to have gauged the value of my intellect.

There is nothing more perplexing in life than to know at what point you should surrender your intellect to your faith.

There are big men, men of intellect, intellectual men, men of talent and men of action; but the great man is difficult to find, and it needs—apart from discernment—a certain greatness to find him.