Kathleen Noriss Quotes
Most popular Kathleen Noriss Quotes

Peace—that was the other name for home.

But hate is all a lie, there is no truth in hate.

If ambition doesn't hurt you, you haven't got it.

When one has an honest appetite all food tastes good.

When one has an insatiable appetite for trouble all sorts will serve.

I want to remain in the open becoming something other than human under the sky.

For friendship is an art, and very few persons are born with a natural gift for it.

Anything, everything, little or big, becomes an adventure when the right person shares it.

But somehow one never had time to stop and savor the taste of life as the stream of it flowed by.

In every marriage there are the elements of success, and in every one the makings of a perfectly justifiable divorce.

Unkindness is death to the home. One unkind, unsocial, critical, eternally dissatisfied member can destroy any family.

None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting to change all the tenor of our lives.

The lover of books is a miner, searching for gold all his life long. He finds his nuggets, his heart leaps in his breast; he cannot believe in his good fortune.