Henry De Montherlant Quotes

Most popular Henry De Montherlant Quotes

To publish a book is to talk at the dinner table in front of the servants. - Henry De Montherlant quote.
To publish a book is to talk at the dinner table in front of the servants.
— Henry De Montherlant Carnets, 1930–1944


There is only one way to be prepared for death: to be sated. In the soul, in the heart, in the spirit, in the flesh. To the brim. - Henry De Montherlant quote.
There is only one way to be prepared for death: to be sated. In the soul, in the heart, in the spirit, in the flesh. To the brim.
— Henry De Montherlant


There is only one way to be prepared for death: to be sated.  In the soul, in the heart, in the spirit, in the flesh.  To the brim.
— Henry De Montherlant Mors et Vita
