Henri-Frédéric Amiel Quotes
Most popular Henri-Frédéric Amiel Quotes

Action is only coarsened thought.

Man is nothing but contradiction.

Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.

The great artist is the simplifier.

All appears to change when we change.

A belief is not true because it is useful.

The best path through life is the high road.

The center of the universe is still the self.

Sympathy is the first condition of criticism.

To know how to suggest is the art of teaching.

We are all visionaries, and what we see is our soul in things.

Life is but a daily oscillation between revolt and submission.

Heroism is the dazzling and glorious concentration of courage.

Thought is sad without action, and action is sad without thought.

Charm: the quality in others that makes us more satisfied with ourselves.

Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is man only by his heart.

Thought is a kind of opium; it can intoxicate us, while still broad awake.

Time and space are fragments of the infinite for the use of finite creatures.

Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.

A man can only understand what is akin to something already existing in himself.

A thousand things advance, nine hundred and ninety-eight retreat: this is progress.

We are always making God our accomplice so that we may legalize our own iniquities.

Destiny has two ways of crushing us — by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.

To be misunderstood even by those whom one loves is the cross and bitterness of life.

An error is the more dangerous in proportion to the degree of truth which it contains.

The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides.

Analysis kills spontaneity. The grain once ground into flour springs and germinates no more.

It is not what one has, or even what one does, which expresses the worth of a man, but what he is.

It is indeed the temptation of all talent to subordinate things to itself and not itself to things.

Health is the first of all liberties, and happiness gives us the energy which is the basis of health.

You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering.

The ideal, after all, is truer than the real: for the ideal is the eternal element in perishable things.

A modest garden...contains, for those who know how to look and to wait, more instruction than a library.

It is not what he has, nor even what he does, which directly expresses the worth of a man, but what he is.

To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to guess what will interest.

Tears express joy as well as sadness. They are the symbol of the powerlessness of the soul to restrain its emotion.

To know how to grow old is the masterwork of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.

To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.

To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent. To do what is impossible for talent is the mark of genius.

Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it means pushing back a boundary-line and adding to one's liberty.

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.

Life is short and we never have enough time for gladdening the hearts of those who travel the way with us. Oh, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind.

One may guess the why and wherefore of a tear and yet find it too subtle to give any account of. A tear may be the poetical resumé of so many simultaneous impressions, the quintessence of so many opposing thoughts!

Jealousy is a terrible thing. It resembles love, only it is precisely love's contrary. Instead of wishing for the welfare of the object loved, it desires the dependence of that object upon itself, and its own triumph.
Destiny has two ways of crushing us—by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.
Analysis kills spontaneity. The grain once ground into flour springs and germinates no more.
To do easily what is difficult for others is the mark of talent. To do what is impossible for talent is the mark of genius.