Elias Canetti Quotes

Most popular Elias Canetti Quotes

Everything one has forgotten cries for help in the dream. - Elias Canetti quote.
Everything one has forgotten cries for help in the dream.
— Elias Canetti The Human Province: 1942-1972

dreams (during sleep)

Justice begins with the recognition of the necessity of sharing. - Elias Canetti quote.
Justice begins with the recognition of the necessity of sharing.
— Elias Canetti Crowds and Power


All the pessimists in world history together are nothing against reality. - Elias Canetti quote.
All the pessimists in world history together are nothing against reality.
— Elias Canetti The Human Province


All great writers of aphorisms read as if they had all known each other well. - Elias Canetti quote.
All great writers of aphorisms read as if they had all known each other well.
— Elias Canetti The Human Province


Success is the space one occupies in the newspaper.  Success is one day's insolence. - Elias Canetti quote.
Success is the space one occupies in the newspaper.  Success is one day's insolence.
— Elias Canetti The Secret Heart of the Clock

success what is success

Whenever you observe an animal closely, you have the feeling that a person sitting inside is making fun of you. - Elias Canetti quote.
Whenever you observe an animal closely, you have the feeling that a person sitting inside is making fun of you.
— Elias Canetti The Human Province


Every decision is liberating, even if it leads to disaster. Otherwise, why do so many people walk upright and with open eyes into their misfortune? - Elias Canetti quote.
Every decision is liberating, even if it leads to disaster. Otherwise, why do so many people walk upright and with open eyes into their misfortune?
— Elias Canetti The Secret Heart Of The Clock: Notes, Aphorisms, Fragments, 1973-1985


Adults find pleasure in deceiving a child. They consider it necessary, but they also enjoy it. The children very quickly figure it out and then practice deception themselves. - Elias Canetti quote.
Adults find pleasure in deceiving a child. They consider it necessary, but they also enjoy it. The children very quickly figure it out and then practice deception themselves.
— Elias Canetti

parenting children