David Allen Quotes
Most popular David Allen Quotes

Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax.

There is usually an inverse proportion between how much something is on your mind and how much it's getting done.

1 | Defining purpose and principles 2 | Outcome visioning 3 | Brainstorming 4 | Organizing 5 | Identifying next actions

The Weekly Review is the time to Gather and process all your "stuff." Review your system. Update your lists. Get clean, clear, current, and complete.

1 | Every open loop must be in your collection system and out of your head. 2 | You must have as few collection buckets as you can get by with. 3 | You must empty them regularly.

We (1) collect things that command our attention; (2) process what they mean and what to do about them; and (3) organize the results, which we (4) review as options for what we choose to (5) do.

Thinking in a concentrated manner to define desired outcomes is something few people feel they have to do. But in truth, outcome thinking is one of the most effective means available for making wishes reality.

To manage actionable things, you will need a list of projects, storage or files for project plans and materials, a calendar, a list of reminders of next actions, and a list of reminders of things you're waiting for.

Here are three basic steps for developing a vision: 1 | View the project from beyond the completion date. 2 | Envision "WILD SUCCESS"! (Suspend "Yeah, but...") 3 | Capture features, aspects, qualities you imagine in place.

First of all, if it's on your mind, your mind isn't clear. Anything you consider unfinished in any way must be captured in a trusted system outside your mind, or what I call a collection bucket, that you know you'll come back to regularly and sort through. Second, you must clarify exactly what your commitment is and decide what you have to do, if anything, to make progress toward fulfilling it. Third, once you've decided on all the actions you need to take, you must keep reminders of them organized in a system you review regularly.