Daphne du Maurier Quotes

Most popular Daphne du Maurier Quotes

All autobiography is self-indulgent. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
All autobiography is self-indulgent.
— Daphne du Maurier Myself When Young


Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard.
— Daphne du Maurier


I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
I am glad it cannot happen twice, the fever of first love.
— Daphne du Maurier
There is no going back in life.  There is no return.  No second chance.  I cannot call back the spoken word or the accomplished deed. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
There is no going back in life.  There is no return.  No second chance.  I cannot call back the spoken word or the accomplished deed.
— Daphne du Maurier My Cousin Rachel

second chances

A character or an idea has to grow like a seed and take possession...it's something to do with one's own development and passage through life. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
A character or an idea has to grow like a seed and take possession...it's something to do with one's own development and passage through life.
— Daphne du Maurier Daphne du Maurier


We are all ghosts of yesterday, and the phantom of tomorrow awaits us alike in sunshine or in shadow, dimly perceived at times, never entirely lost. - Daphne du Maurier quote.
We are all ghosts of yesterday, and the phantom of tomorrow awaits us alike in sunshine or in shadow, dimly perceived at times, never entirely lost.
— Daphne du Maurier Growing Pains: The Shaping of a Writer


A character or an idea has to grow like a seed and take possession.
— Daphne du Maurier Daphne du Maurier
