Charles Lindbergh Quotes
Most popular Charles Lindbergh Quotes

Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most!

In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.

I have seen the science I worshipped, and the aircraft I loved, destroying the civilization I expected them to serve.

At first you can stand the spotlight in your eyes. Then it blinds you. Others can see you, but you cannot see them.

Man must feel the earth to know himself and recognize his values ... God made life simple. It is man who complicates it.

I owned the world that hour as I rode over it . . . Free of the earth, free of the mountains, free of the clouds, but how inseparably I was bound to them.

How long can men thrive between walls of brick, walking on asphalt pavements, breathing the fumes of coal and of oil, growing, working, dying, with hardly a thought of wind, and sky, and fields of grain, seeing only machine-made beauty, the mineral-like quality of life?