Charles Lamb Quotes
Most popular Charles Lamb Quotes

It is good to love the unknown.

He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.

People while they love are never quite depraved.

A sweet child is the sweetest thing in the world.

My theory is to enjoy life, but the practice is against it.

May my last breath is draw through a pipe and exhale in a pun.

Cannot the heart in the midst of crowds feel frightfully alone?

How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man's self to himself.

A pun is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.

When I am not walking, I am reading, I cannot sit and think. Books think for me.

Man is a gaming animal. We must be always trying to get the better in something or other.

Man is a gaming animal. He must be always trying to get the better in something or other.

The greatest pleasure I know is to do a kind deed by stealth and have it found out by accident.

Of all sound of all bells ... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year.

The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident.

Newspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever lays one down without a feeling of disappointment.

Not many sounds in life, and I include all urban and all rural sounds, exceed in interest a knock at the door.

A child's nature is too serious a thing to admit of its being regarded as a mere appendage to another human being.

The most mortifying infirmity in human nature, to feel in ourselves, or to contemplate in another, is, perhaps, cowardice.

I love to lose myself in other men's minds. When I am not walking, I am reading; I cannot sit and think. Books think for me.

A pun is not bound by the laws which limit nicer wit. It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.
Man is a gaming animal. He must be always trying to get the better in something or other.
The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.
The greatest pleasure I know, is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.