Carl Linnaeus Quotes

Most popular Carl Linnaeus Quotes

Nature does not proceed by leaps. - Carl Linnaeus quote.
Nature does not proceed by leaps.
— Carl Linnaeus Philosophia Botanica


If a tree dies, plant another in its place. - Carl Linnaeus quote.
If a tree dies, plant another in its place.
— Carl Linnaeus
One who lives by medical prescriptions lives miserably. - Carl Linnaeus quote.
One who lives by medical prescriptions lives miserably.
— Carl Linnaeus
Man is an animal and should live in accordance with his species. - Carl Linnaeus quote.
Man is an animal and should live in accordance with his species.
— Carl Linnaeus


A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars. - Carl Linnaeus quote.
A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.
— Carl Linnaeus Linnaeus: The Story of His Life

teaching discovery encouragement