Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Quotes

Most popular Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Quotes

To sleep is an act of faith. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
To sleep is an act of faith.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Foreign Bodies


The past is a sorry country. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
The past is a sorry country.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Foreign Bodies

the past

My mother was my first jealous lover. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
My mother was my first jealous lover.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Foreign Bodies

personal mothers and daughters

Truth—which is the first casualty of tyranny. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
Truth—which is the first casualty of tyranny.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison truth is the first casualty of war


Autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
Autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Bookmark


There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
There is no way to take the danger out of human relationships.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison McCall’s


Beware of people carrying ideas.  Beware of ideas carrying people. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
Beware of people carrying ideas.  Beware of ideas carrying people.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison Foreign Bodies


Women's propensity to share confidences is universal. We confirm our reality by sharing. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
Women's propensity to share confidences is universal. We confirm our reality by sharing.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tuna fish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock. - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison quote.
I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tuna fish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock.
— Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

stock market