Self Acceptance Quotes

Most popular self-acceptance quotes

Do not judge yourself harshly. Without mercy for ourselves we cannot love the world. - Gautama Buddha quote.
Do not judge yourself harshly. Without mercy for ourselves we cannot love the world.
You can't change who you are, but you can surely make the best of it.
Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.

inner peace be yourself contentment

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval. - Mark Twain quote.
A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

self-esteem conscience

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. - Thích Nhất Hạnh quote.
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

be yourself buddhist beauty

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. - May Sarton quote.
We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.
May Sarton Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. - Oscar Wilde quote.
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. - Gautama Buddha quote.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
Self-acceptance is my refusal to be in an adversarial relationship with myself.
At thirty, a man should have himself well in hand, know the exact number of his defects and qualities, know how far he can go, foretell his failures—be what he is. And above all accept these things. - Albert Camus quote.
At thirty, a man should have himself well in hand, know the exact number of his defects and qualities, know how far he can go, foretell his failures—be what he is. And above all accept these things.
Until we can tolerate our own company, we cannot expect other people to be overjoyed by our presence. - Dale Carnegie quote.
Until we can tolerate our own company, we cannot expect other people to be overjoyed by our presence.
During much of my life, I was anxious to be what someone else wanted me to be. Now I have given up that struggle. I am what I am.
I'm Not OK, You're Not OK—and That's OK. - William Sloane Coffin quote.
I'm Not OK, You're Not OK—and That's OK.
Accept the place the divine providence has found for you. - Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.
Accept the place the divine providence has found for you.
There comes a time in each life like a point of fulcrum. At that time you must accept yourself. It is not any more what you will become. It is what you are and always will be. - John Fowles quote.
There comes a time in each life like a point of fulcrum. At that time you must accept yourself. It is not any more what you will become. It is what you are and always will be.
He who seeks for applause only from without, has all his happiness in another's keeping. - Oliver Goldsmith quote.
He who seeks for applause only from without, has all his happiness in another's keeping.
Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me. - Audre Lorde quote.
Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me.
Self-acceptance begets acceptance from others, which begets even deeper, more genuine self-acceptance. It can be done. But no one is going to bestow it on you. It is a gift only you can give yourself.
I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.  I want to be rich my myself, not by borrowing. - Michel de Montaigne quote.
I do not care so much what I am to others as I care what I am to myself.  I want to be rich my myself, not by borrowing.
The best-adjusted people are the "psychologically patriotic," who are glad to be what they are.
Accepting oneself does not preclude an attempt to become better. - Flannery O'Connor quote.
Accepting oneself does not preclude an attempt to become better.
Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves.
Unless I accept my faults I will most certainly doubt my virtues.
Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it, one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world. - Eleanor Roosevelt quote.
Friendship with oneself is all-important because without it, one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, was being ashamed of what they were; lying about it, trying to be somebody else. - J. K. Rowling quote.
The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, was being ashamed of what they were; lying about it, trying to be somebody else.
It is not easy to be sure that being yourself is worth the trouble, but we do know it is our sacred duty.
What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate. - Henry David Thoreau quote.
What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.