Pauline Kael Quotes

Most popular Pauline Kael Quotes

You don't have to lay an egg to know if it tastes good. - Pauline Kael quote.
You don't have to lay an egg to know if it tastes good.
— Pauline Kael I Lost It at the Movies


Hollywood is the only place where you can die of encouragement. - Pauline Kael quote.
Hollywood is the only place where you can die of encouragement.
— Pauline Kael in The New Yorker

encouragement Hollywood

Movies are a combination of art and mass medium, but television is so single in its purpose—selling—that it operates without that painful, poignant mixture of aspiration and effort and compromise. - Pauline Kael quote.
Movies are a combination of art and mass medium, but television is so single in its purpose—selling—that it operates without that painful, poignant mixture of aspiration and effort and compromise.
— Pauline Kael Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
