Liz Smith Quotes

Most popular Liz Smith Quotes

Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress. - Liz Smith quote.
Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress.
— Liz Smith


If you don't place your foot on the rope, you'll never cross the chasm. - Liz Smith quote.
If you don't place your foot on the rope, you'll never cross the chasm.
— Liz Smith


Good gossip is just what's going on. Bad gossip is stuff that is salacious, mean and bitchy—the kind most people really enjoy. - Liz Smith quote.
Good gossip is just what's going on. Bad gossip is stuff that is salacious, mean and bitchy—the kind most people really enjoy.
— Liz Smith in Newsweek


What is gossip but unsubstantiated rumor?  People are universally interested in gossip. I think gossip is just news running ahead of itself in red satin dress. - Liz Smith quote.
What is gossip but unsubstantiated rumor?  People are universally interested in gossip. I think gossip is just news running ahead of itself in red satin dress.
— Liz Smith The Dallas Times Herald


Gossip is one of the great luxuries of a democracy.  It is the tawdry jewel in the crown of free speech and free expression. You don't read gossip columns in dictatorships. - Liz Smith quote.
Gossip is one of the great luxuries of a democracy.  It is the tawdry jewel in the crown of free speech and free expression. You don't read gossip columns in dictatorships.
— Liz Smith Natural Blonde

gossip freedom of speech